best crib mattress

Best Crib Mattress

Buying the best Crib mattress is a duty parents owe their babies. It makes the baby sleep well and rests comfortably compared to similar brands out there. There are a lot of beneficial features that make it the most popular choice for parents across the globe. You require a mattress that helps your baby to grow strong and develop healthily and physically. Most importantly, it ensures that the baby is restful and safe all the time. This kind of mattress is poles are ahead of other models when it comes to babies’ safety.

Different kinds of crib mattresses

Before you make your choice of the best, you must first determine what you want. There are different kinds of such mattresses in the market today. It is better to start with the various models as this can influence the choice you eventually make. Here are some of the most popular brands you can choose from.

Foam crib mattress

This is perhaps the most popular option and that is because it is the most lightweight. It is usually available in various thicknesses starting from 3 inches to 6 inches. Furthermore, it is firm and very resilient. It is not surprising that it is the most popular choice in the market today. If you are looking for the best, you should start with this. As a nursing parent, your comfort is equally important.

This model is helpful, it makes it easier to conform to the baby’s shape. The sleeping surface is soft and firm at the same time. You do not need too soft foam because of the health implications. Health experts often warn of the dangers associated with it for nursing mothers such as sudden infant death syndromes. This means that the effect can be devastating for parents and their babies.

Innerspring mattress

This is another popular choice for most parents. This model features an innerspring inside the foam. It is in the form of metallic coils which is often foam wrapped. It can be fabric or padding. If you want to get this kind of product, it is better to opt for those with integrated superior gauge steel. Besides, this is accompanied by an interior cushioning. This model is wonderful because it is the higher end which means that the quality is superior to what you get elsewhere. Most importantly this mattress is durable and it is firm as well.

Organic crib mattress

It is another superior quality brand because of the kind of materials used to make it. It features organic or natural materials. Usually, it is designed with such materials like wool, cotton, shell husks fibers as well as coconut shell husks fibers and wool.

This model is one of the most expensive but you can buy this with great confidence knowing that your safety is one hundred percent guaranteed. It is safer than most other brands currently in the market in terms of quality. The reason for that is that most of the models in the market feature industrial compounds and other chemical materials. If your major concern is the safety of your child, then you can consider it appropriate to choose this kind of mattress.

Breathable mattresses

Breathable is another high-quality brand in the market. As the name suggests, this model is breathable which means that air passes through the system easily. If you want your baby to be more comfortable while sleeping, this is a perfect option.

These are some of the most popular models in the market today, there could be several others. The most important thing is to ensure that you make your inquiries before you make your final choice.

What are the factors to consider when you are looking for the best crib mattress?

As you can see from above, there are different brands, models, sizes and shapes of this kind of product. The implication of this is that it is no longer easy for you to make a choice. However, to ensure that you are not misled into getting an inferior model, the following buying guides are formulated to lead the way for you.


The size is perhaps the most important criteria you should never ignore when you are making that decision. It must fit the baby crib. When you are making a choice, you should have the measurement ready. Ensure that there are no spaces within the edges and sides. It should fit the space available for it very well. If the mattress does not fit the crib, it could lead to difficulties because it can lead to suffocation. Because of the dangers of such, the US government has come forward with standardized size. You must consider the issue of size when you are making that choice.


For the safety of the baby and even the mother, such a product should be optimally firm. This is the best way it can offer that kind of support that you expect from it. Before you make a final choice, press the foam with your hands to determine how solid or firm it is. All parts of that mattress foam should be firm including the edges, center and so on. Look for those that can easily conform to your baby shape when he sleeps.


If you get those crafted from superior density materials, you are going to enjoy it for a long time. Usually such is going to be firm and that means that your child’s safety is greatly enhanced. Every mattress should come with density information and where it is not available, you have to avoid such a product. You need that information for the safety of your baby.


This does with how fast it regains its original shape or form when it is pressed. If it does that faster and quicker, then it is more reliable. If in the others that it does not return to the original form after a long press, then it is not safe for your baby and this means that it is not the best. Because of that, the factor to consider is the dual firmness. During the construction stage, it is should be pretty firmer and it can provide that support you want to achieve.


The issue of weight is also critical when you are choosing this kind of product. The weight varies and the best is 7 lbs to 8 lbs. The average weight should be about 20 lbs. this depends on the type of mattress. If you get a product like the innerspring, it is heavier, and weight can range from anything 15 lbs to 25 lbs and so on. When you are making your choice, you should bear the weight of the mattress at the back of your mind to ensure that you make the correct decision.


These days, many manufacturers have come forward with the most innovative mattress covers. This can make a difference between various models out there. This is because these things are not created equal. You must opt for quality when you are making your choice. If you get the best, the baby will sleep comfortably on it. It is better to opt for the mattress cover with waterproof features as well as triple-reinforced ticking. This aspect is very important as it makes it resistant to tears and so on.


The best crib mattresses out there have provision for venting. The diminutive vents are available on both sides of the mattress and this is to ensure that you are very comfortable sleeping on it. There must be a smooth and unrestricted airflow. When the venting feature is there, it would be very comfortable to use and there would no longer be offensive odors. Even if you use that thing for a very long time the odor would no longer be an issue.

Certification seals

The mattress you use must satisfy the safety standards set for it. One of the things that show that it is meeting the safety requirements is when there is a certification seal.

This indicates that it is free to use and that it is very safe to use it as well. Most importantly, it is important to ensure that every claim made by the manufacturers are verified. There is always the claim that it is organic, ensure that you understand what the word organic means before you make your choice.

It could mean many things to these manufacturers. In the same way, if you want to buy a foreign-made mattress, check for the Oeko Tex Standard 100 certification seals. This is for international products and it shows that it meets the safety standards internationally set for this kind of product.

The safety of the product is the most important thing you have to consider when you are making that choice. Firm and flat crib mattresses are the best for the baby, because of that, you must ensure that materials that are used for that mattress are not toxic and this means that they are not produced unsafe materials.

This warning is important. Many of the materials in the market today are not that safe because they can expose those kids to toxic gases and other harmful elements that they can inhale when they sleep.

It is known that babies are prone to attack from such toxic chemicals. The reason for that is simple and that is because the body systems are still fragile and vulnerable to attack. The body system is not yet fully developed and because of that, the body cannot detoxify these chemicals when they inhale it. You mustn’t allow the baby to be exposed to anything that can be detrimental to health. For the safety of the baby, there are certain materials that you must avoid at all costs when you are making that your choice.

Here are some of the materials to avoid when you are making that choice.

  • Do not opt for those designed with polyurethane foam
  • Avoid using those made with vinyl PVC materials even when there is inscription non-toxic
  • Do not use phthalates and those made with chemical plasticizers
  • Do not choose those mattresses containing chemical fire retardants and so on. All these are not good for the baby.

What to look for when you are looking for the best baby crib mattresses?

Now that you have known that you must avoid at all costs. It is also necessary that you know those things that you have to look out for when you are making your choice so that you make a better choice.

Flat and firm surface: Perhaps the most important factor to consider when you are making that choice is the firm flat surface crib mattresses. CPSC requirement is that the mattress especially those to be used for babies must be firm and have a flat surface.

Is it greenguard select certified: for the safety of the baby, you must go for those with GreenGuard select certification. This ensures that it meets the strictest standard that is set by the institute for this kind of product.

Chemical fire retardants free: also, it is good that you choose that meet the flame standards. This means that the mattress does not come with chemical fire retardants. They must be one hundred percent natural. Furthermore, check those that meet the requirement of fire laws. All these are necessary for the safety of your kids.

Lightweight: moreover, the crib mattress has to be lightweight. This makes it easy to lift it when it comes necessary in the time of emergency. Already drop-side cribs are no longer allowed, because of that, lightweight mattresses are now the way to go.

Highly protected: when we say that it must be highly protected, it means that it must be bed bug proof, dust mite proof and waterproof. When there is a quality cover, it means that mite and other unfriendly elements cannot get access to the baby. Ensure that bed bugs and others do not penetrate through the system. Those designed with polyethylene materials that are one hundred percent nontoxic are the best. These are the safest and they are friendly to the environment.

Good warranty: besides, look for those with a good warranty. It is likely they would serve your purpose better than those that do not have it. This is good for your safety.

You have seen that there are lots of features to consider when you are making that choice. The most important amongst them is the safety features. This cannot be overemphasized because the lives of babies should not be endangered. As kids, they spend most of their time in bed. Because of that special attention must be given to them by their mothers.

Babies must be very comfortable when they sleep in it. Apart from that, several qualities have to do with safety which must be considered by mothers when they are looking for this kind of product. Safety cannot be discarded whenever the best crib mattress is discussed.

The mattress must be intact: this implies that for the safety of the baby, the material must come as a whole and that means that it must not come in part. If it can break into pieces, then it is not the best for the baby because it can tear at a time that you do not expect that to happen.

If you like you can carry it along with you and take it anywhere you are taking the baby. If it is segmented, chances are there that the safety for the baby is compromised and this is certainly not the best and no parents would want that.

A size issue was mentioned before. It has implications when it comes to baby security. When it is not the correct size, it would no longer be intact for the baby and the danger is that the baby could just slip off and fall.

The consequences could be devastating. Because of that, parents looking for this kind of product must always pay strict attention to the issue of the size. It is going to assist you in making your choice. Do not compromise this if you want the best for your baby.

The danger with the size is that when the mattress is about the crib, you are going to force it into the small space and the result is that it is going to crumple and that is the worst thing that can happen because it can make the baby very uncomfortable when he sleeps.

If care is not taken, it could even endanger his health. Because of that, mothers do not take the issue of size light when they are looking for this kind of product. The comfort of the baby is always the most important condition to consider as it affects the baby in one way of the other.

The size can also be a problem when the mattress is small. There is something wrong with that because it would hurt the baby as well. It is going to create an ugly space in the crib and when the baby falls off the mattress it is going to spell doom to his health. Because of that mothers should not play with this. Quality matters in the best crib mattress.

You can always tell a good quality crib mattress from their features. For instance, when you are looking for one, you must consider whether it comes with a cover. The cover must be such that it takes care of the health of the baby. When looking for the cover, you must ensure that you look for those that can prevent microbe from forming.

For the safety of the baby ensure that it comes with an anti-microbial layer on its top. Furthermore, ensure that you wash the cover most of the time to avoid attracting such microbes that can eventually endanger the baby’s health.

When you are looking for those with a cover, it is better if you get one that is fully sealed. The importance of this is that it can keep away all those things that cause allergies such as dust and other foreign elements that are harmful to the baby. Another thing that can impact on the safety of that mattress is the firmness.

It would be a good idea to get a type that does not fall inside. Look for those that are firm. It will help the baby and make comfortable. Since the babies are not able to turn when they sleep, it is good that you get the best crib mattress that does not sink. It is one of the safety features that parents must consider whenever they are looking for this kind of product.


Parents want the best for their babies. There is no better way of expressing such love and caring attitude than buying the best crib mattress they get for their little ones. Parents should always look for the best and they can get the best if they consider the factors enumerated above.

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