NUTRIBULLET vs. NINJA: Which Is Better?

Looking for a good blender? Two main brands stand out. These are the Nutribullet and the Ninja respectively. They have been determined to do a good job when compared to the rest. You should hence prioritize them in your search for the right one. Let’s know about the best blender NUTRIBULLET vs. NINJA more deeply.

Knowing about their existence is in and of itself not sufficient. It pays to get deeper and determine which of them, the better option is. This requires an in-depth look and comparisons of their finer details and features. We have stepped in to help you out in this. Find the information you require hereunder.



Though these two brands perform well as has already been stated, their performances vary considerably. The Ninja contains a total crushing technology. Courtesy of this technology, it yields extremely smooth crushing outcomes which are devoid of any stray fibers and fluff. Also, it delivers those outcomes in seconds.

As for the Nutribullet, its crushing power is not so tough. However, it pulverizes the ingredients into finer particles like powder too. The texture and the size of those particles are however coarser and larger than those of the Ninja. You want to use this brand only for home use rather than commercial undertakings.

Power Rating and Consumption 

It goes without saying that the two appliances expend some electrical energy to operate. They also exude some energy output which they use to crush the ingredients to finer particles. Their consumption and output ratings, however, differ considerably. Generally, the Ninja consumes and gives off higher power outputs.

For this reason, it is able to achieve feats which are far beyond that of the Nutribullet. It can even crash ingredients which your ordinary blender lacks the ability to. On the flip side, its power consumption is higher than average. Expect hence to spend a lot to keep it operational.

Design and Aesthetics

Apart from the core role of crushing your ingredients, these blenders also play a secondary role in enhancing the beauty of your kitchen and room. To do this, both blenders come in great design and shapes. These, however, vary from blender to blender. Similarly, they yield different impacts.

By all accounts, the Nutribullet is the more aesthetic of the two brands. It is more compact in size, colorful in appearance, and breathtaking to behold. If all you care about is how the appliances look, this is the one to consider purchasing. Place it strategically for all to see thereafter.

Operational Speed

They take varying amounts of time to deliver their crushing outcomes. This difference in speed makes a huge difference depending on where exactly you wish to make use of the blenders. Restaurant settings require faster blenders owing to the need to handle the many patrons who may be on standby.

All factors considered, the Ninja is the faster of the two blenders. This draws mostly from its powerful motor which delivers excellent crushing power. Furthermore, many of its products give you that leeway to set your own operational speed. This means you can prepare different recipes comfortably.


Each of these two brands produces many kinds of products. These products vary in weight depending mostly on the purpose for which they are intended. When all factors are put into consideration though, the Nutribullet brand is the lighter of the two. For this reason, it is better for home and remote use.

Being the heavier of the two, you will find the Ninja brand great for restaurant and large scale applications. That is because such environments are fixed in nature and will not require that you transport the appliance every now and then.

Extras and Accessories

Both brands allow you to fix in additional attachments, extras, and accessories. However, the extent to which they allow that also differ. As noted severally before, the Ninja brand is mainly intended for commercial applications. It is hence able to accommodate more attachments compared to the Nutribullet.

You, however, have to possess some expertise to be able to leverage this advantage. The many attachments it accepts enables it to achieve extra feats. You also get to obtain a higher value for your money. Further, you will not have to purchase a new blender every now and then.


Considering that the Ninja is the more complicated and well-equipped of the two, it costs more to afford. If you plan to make use of it, prepare to dig deeper into your pocket. The same case applies to any future repairs and maintenance. This makes it only good for commercial applications.

The case is however different from the Nutribullet. It is simpler in scope and subsequently cheaper to come by. You have it for your consideration if you have little money at your disposal. Being simple, the blenders are also good only for home rather than commercial use.

Warranty and Customer Care

These two manufacturers have put in place robust customer care regimes. These mainly incorporate the back-end customer care, manufacturer’s warranty, money-back guarantee, and favorable return policies. Past clients of these two brands, however, have different verdicts concerning their interactions and experiences with these firms.

Many who have leveraged the services of Ninja have noted that its services are better and more satisfactory. Moreover, its warranty is also more comprehensive and easier to take advantage of when the time comes. For your peace of mind, you want to attempt those products that are manufactured by Ninja as a topmost priority.

And also you can know more about NUTRIBULLET vs. NINJA HERE.


From the above explanations, it is clear that the Ninja brand carries the day, all factors considered. You want to prioritize its range of products over the Nutribullet. Being stronger, more durable, and comprehensive, you should prepare to spend a lot of money though. The same case goes for the expertise you will put in its operations.

Knowing about the differences between these two brands is certainly not enough. To be able to enjoy the benefits they have to bring about, you have to definitely acquire one. Even though we have narrowed down to the better brand, you are still free to determine the one which better suits your need.

You can also know details about Ryobi vs. Dewalt.

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